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webgl coding javascript kuliah college
AwooCAD - Transformations in WebGL
javascript typescript coding college webgl opengl
AwooCAD - An Exploration in WebGL (and OpenGL in general)
Definitely not a ripoff of A*toCAD. Mhm... Yeah... Definitely
nodejs coding javascript typescript backend
Log-0x16 - Node.js PassThrough Stream with ytdl-core and ffmpeg
Utilizing pipes to pipeline data streams.
coding golang go webdev web server backend
Log-0x15 - Baby Steps in Golang
nextjs typescript javascript coding webpack
Log-0x14 - Next.js webpack expose-loader
Exposing library globals in window object.
nextjs webpack javascript typescript coding
Log-0x13 - Next.js webpack ProvidePlugins
"Wait, Next.js already uses webpack?"; "Always has been..."
nodejs nextjs react coding javascript typescript material-ui something
Log-0x12 - Material UI's Autocomplete Component
"No please, don't suggest me those weird memes again, please."
nodejs typescript javascript nextjs coding
Log-0x11 - Advanced Tag Suggestion Autocompletion
Everybody gangsta until the client says "Uh.. yeah.. but can it be more efficient?"
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